What to do When You Are Having a Rear-View-Mirror Day

“Even when we cannot describe what we want right now, we still value something… Everyone values something, and what is valued can be observed in what people do with their feet-where do they get up and go to?” Patricia A. Bach PhD & Daniel J. Moran PhD* I am in recovery from investing too much time … More What to do When You Are Having a Rear-View-Mirror Day

“Rebellions (and Recoveries) are Built Upon Hope”

I am a fan of the Netflix Sci-Fi thriller, Stranger Things. If you are not familiar with the show, imdb contributor Charles J. summarizes it this way: In a small town where everyone knows everyone, a peculiar incident starts a chain of events that leads to the disappearance of a child, which begins to tear at … More “Rebellions (and Recoveries) are Built Upon Hope”